Literary Response

I learned a lot of things when reading Out of my Mind that made me view things differently. I like how Sharon Draper wrote Out of my Mind in first person point of view. Most importantly the story in first person point of view helps me understand what Melody goes through. “I can hardly wait, […]

Sharon Draper Writing

       Sharon Draper made many great decisions when writing Out of my Mind. I like how Sharon Draper hooked us in with the first sentence. “I’m surrounded by thousands of words” that definitely hooked me in. Sharon Draper wrote Out of my Mind in Melody’s point of view. It really helps you understand what she goes […]

Earth Day

Everyone helps the Earth . Assist and protect Earth . Remaking Earth a better place. Ten billion trees planted every year. How many people celebrate Earth day , well more than 22 million.   Devloped over a seven year period. Air and water pollution awareness. Yay we have a clean Earth.   image

Child Labor

I think child labor is terrible , seeing the conditions they worked in and hearing about things like losing fingers is frightening. Child labor shouldn’t have been legal because sometimes the kids jobs were more dangerous than adults jobs and they got paid half than them. I think child labor is wrong and I’m glad […]

The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court Justice)

The Associate Justices are nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. senate . The constitution refers to them as Judges of the Supreme Court but the title is actually used Associate Judges. Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of congress. The reason I want to be a Supreme […]

Amendment Five

A- Amendment five is tracked back to the Maga Carta issued in 1275 M- Militia and Naval crimes put on trial E- Entirely ratified on December 15 , 1791 N- No person trialed for an infamous crime D- During a criminal trial but but consequences if in Civil Trial M- “Miranda Rights” E- Everyone agreed […]